How do I start a career in digital marketing?

How do I start a career in digital marketing?


Here some suggestion is mentioned below for career in digital marketing. 

Main Description:

Do you want to own a digital marketing business or become an employee at an established firm?

If you’re looking to provide digital marketing services as a consultant or start an agency, my recommendations are as follows:

  1. Find a niche. Don’t try to solve everyone’s problems…yet. Pick one target market and research so that you learn their pain points. Talk to as many people in that niche as possible. Do your research.
  2. Focus on a specific marketing platform - Facebook, Twitter, email, content marketing, SEO, Google AdWords, Instagram, etc.
  3. Develop a message that resonates with your target market and solves their biggest problems, i.e., how do we get more leads.
  4. Create and test an offer with your prospects.
  5. Start prospecting and build your potential client list. reach out to them in every way possible. Email, cold-calls, LinkedIn, Facebook lives, Facebook groups, door knocking, direct mail.
  6. Consistently speak with your market by putting out fresh content on a daily basis - yes this is one of the harder parts but you will be way ahead of everyone else if you do this.
  7. Don’t be afraid to change things up if after several months you haven’t gotten any traction. Just remember its not them, it’s you.

You don’t need any fancy thousand-dollar courses. You just need to be on a mission and execute daily. <- Execute Execute Execute. Done is better than perfect.

As you have some success you will find your way. There is no easy solution and it will take a ton of work, but it’s worth it.

If you’re looking to work as a digital marketer as an employee, my recommendations are as follows:

  1. Build a list of your top 100 companies that you want to work for. Make sure to research these companies through.
  2. Of the top 100 companies, follow them on every social media platform. Join their conversation and provide value-added knowledge.
  3. Network and cultivate relationships with people in your industry. Try to be a connector and giver. Don’t be a taker.
  4. Have a solid social profile especially LinkedIn. Why would they hire you if they look you up on social and don’t see anything that impresses them?

It’s easier nowadays to network on social media. The heavy hitters and leaders are out there and very accessible. I’ve found that most are willing to help in some way if you do the work, execute, and not ask silly questions that waste their time.


Hope so, you like the article 'How do I start a career in digital marketing?'


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